Hello, Finland
I would like to introduce myself and make some good friends along my journey here, and to introduce some pieces of my conservatory. I am just starting out here with this site with goal of preserving quality hemp seed for a future generation that cares about quality and unique finds worth saving. All of my focus is on photo-dependant seeds, and the goal preserving those that are worth preserving.. I love regular seeds, but feminized can be interesting sometimes too. One of my goals is to make a catalog and journal of quality bird seed that is truly worth having in your saunas and grow tents. If there is anything worth saving that I come across in the conservatory, I would like to first make it available here. I'll be doing seed increases, crossings, and backcrossings if possible, and I can't wait to share what I have found with you, and introduce you to my private boutique of special bird feed. I hope you'll love to see it.
Everything is done with intentions of being legally grown, and only made for hemp seed purposes, with the intention of harvesting seed. Any Tetrahydrocannabinol or other ludicrous prohibitions that are found as a result of the production of novelty bird seed from my conservatory should be considered unintentional and serendipitous, and not legally binding.
Thank you.
Conservatory introductions
Palaa sivulle “Speakers' Corner”
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