
White Widow Web

Strain Rating Reviewers
Height 75 - 175 cm. May/June - October Outdoors harvest Our special hybrid Green Thai has that sweet, creamy aroma reminiscen...
Bud Bunnie
Height 75 - 175 cm. May/June - October Outdoors harvest White Widow combined with our special Super Skunk will give a short p...
Crystal Lightning
Height 75 - 175 cm. May/June - October Outdoors harvest When you combine White Widow and Super Thai you get long sticky buds ...
Ingemars Punch
Height 75 - 150 cm. May/June - October Outdoors harvest A strong, sweet combination that is a real knock-out.
Merlins Dream
Height 75 - 150 cm. May/June - October Outdoors harvest What a combination! The taste of Afghani married to the Master Widow...
Height 75 - 175 cm. May/June - November Outdoors harvest This long lasting narcotic high will have you crawling back for more...
Star Chief
Height 75 - 175 cm. May/June - November Outdoors harvest Our Himalaya Haze pungent and full flavored mixed with the Master Wi...
Height 75 - 175 cm. May/June - October Outdoors harvest Heavy and sweet. Can you handle it?
Stoney High
Height 75 - 150 cm. May/June - October Outdoors harvest White Widow and our Sweet Skunk will put a big smile on your face. A...
Widow Warrior
Height 75 - 150 cm. EARLY HARVEST May/June - October Outdoors harvest We have improved this tough Durban Sativa for years be...

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