
Female Seeds

Strain Rating Reviewers
For sativa lovers, we chose one with a cinnamon smell and exceptional buzz. Based on a rare Jack H. pheno-type. Can be put under...
Easy Bud
An example of a clone in seed-form, these sisters are for 99% equal, a pure commercial strain, which is easy to grow. Can be tre...
Easy Sativa
So easy outdoors ! Its all in the name, an easy new-style sativa variety for in the greenhouse and outdoors. One of the best ou...
2 reports
wikiwahwah   Ell21
A new style sativa; early maturing, fast flowering and maximum yielding. Buds have a soft smell of grapefruit, sweet taste and i...
4 reports
the_skunkist   thekraken   Organics926   Boseephus
This pure strain is very underestestimated! It has its ancestors in the Ketama-region and was subject to an intense breeding-pro...
Nevilles Haze Hybrid
It is our policy to do pure strains only and not multiple-hybrids, but for this one we made an exception to the rule. We used an...
Northern Light
Strong indica stoner, S.O.G. plant. Different plant, same product.This strain has been undergoing constant changes for 15 years...
3 reports
cheebacheeba   Peace Reef   gaz_0001
Purple Power
A very popular early and fast flowering variety for outdoor growing. Buds become purple to lavender-blue. Flowering starts mid-J...
1 report
Skunk Special
Of course we had to bring a Skunk variety into our strain-list. From all the Skunk-varieties that are on the market right now, w...
White Widow
Indica/sativa multi-hybrid with indica characteristics, S.O.G. plant. White Widow made it’s breakthrough in the mid 90’s wi...
2 reports
weedpuffa   sahima

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