
Ice Princess x Endless Sky from Spice Brothers

Grower reports: 0 Rating: -
'Ice Princess x Endless Sky' from Spice Brothers
Lineage:  Endless Sky x Ice Princess
Family:  Unknown or mixed family
Origin:  North America
Region:  USA
Genotype:  -
Indoor Maturation:  60 to 65 days
Outdoor Maturation:  -
Sex Possibilities:  Standard (M/F)
Stature:  -
Yield:  -
Odor Level:  -
Odor Description:  -
Taste Level:  -
Taste Description:  -
  Breeder's Description - 'Ice Princess x Endless Sky'

Brother's Grimm Ice Princess x Endless Sky. Ice Princess from Brother's Grimm grew some great filthy buds mass of trich rich production. Ice Princess was created by crossing the mother of Cinderella 99 to a male White Widow from Green House.I harvested at around 56 days, and it gave a lovely peak, high I like an up high and I found that at 63 days it becomes much more couch-lock. Ice princess needed to be tied up due to being so top heavy and I lost a few in the last weeks to snapping.Honestly Ice Princess SHOULD be more popular but I guess due to he high price tag $150 per pack and the reports of couch lock might have turned people away. But it’s all in the timing.I used a super solid growing Endless Sky female crossed with two lovely Ice princess males just to give that added variation bonuses from either one if any?Endless Sky is a super solid strain and I have heard nothing but awesome reports about this super strain. Endless Sky is has a very solid and super Indica growing quality of the highest standards Endless sky is a combination of Grenadine and Iranian Indica. (breeder Dr Greenthumb )Doc claims it to be mould resistant but my opinion is opposite. I also found two variations one just a little more resin covering then the other but by crossing Ice Princess with this awesome strain it has turned into a even more super resin coated wonder from heaven. Look forward to some interesting flavours/variations and awesome hits! This cross is up there with the best!

 Grower reports: 0

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